Jonathan, Angela, Sophie and Audrey Dunn

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Granny's visit this year.

Holy Cats! I'm the most horrible blogger ever. It's been since Christmas since I've posted anything and I have a great alibi...I've been busy...and my camera quit working BUT thanks to my Granny, I now have a working camera. Where to begin. Let's see...rather than try to recall the past 8 months I'll just touch on a few highlights:
~I started a new business with Mary Kay in February.
~Jono continued in his MBA Program at Westminster College
~Jono was laid off and began a new business, Media Driven
~Our roof leaked and the ceiling collapsed in the office
~New roof
~Sophie was in the 1st grade and loved her teacher Miss Lee
~Audrey went to Montessori of S.L. and now knows more than either of her parents
~Audrey spent some time with her Dad while he worked from home
~Mom taught P.E. all school year at Beacon Heights, which I'm doing for the second year now
~Mom starts taking care of sweet Fern who is 94
~Flowers Family Reunion in Orange, Texas
~Dunn Family Reunion in Sunrivers, Oregon
~Sophie ranches for 10 days with Uncle Paul and Aunt Deb
~Granny comes for a visit of one week...and we loved it!
~Audrey begins Kindergarten...Full day I might add.

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